Sunday, April 24, 2005

The things we do for money

And You Will Know By the Trail of the Dead
Chapter 16
I finally made it back to the beach yesterday. Took my girl with me. Went to Myrtle Beach, SC.
I am so used to the beaches back in Connecticut, I almost overlooked the beauty of the South Carolina coast. Piers, surfers, seagulls. Why do I have to live so far inland?
My birthday was on Friday. Enjoying eating out at a local Japanese steakhouse with my family. Nice for us to be able to get along in public. Nice, even still, that all of us don't mind being seen together in public.
Been off from work since Thursday. Don't have to go back until Wednesday. That's a great feeling.
Over a month since I have been here to type. Almost feels strange. Like I don't belong.
Have to keep the public updated. Otherwise, how would they know that I'm still alive.
Have you ever noticed that a lot of people die on a daily basis, yet we don't stop the world for them? When the pope dies in Italy, everyone in the country gets at least one day off, and the country practically shuts down for a week. I know these are people that are important to millions, yet, STOP TRYING TO FORCE RELIGION onto my already cursed soul. I am well aware of the reality of my definite assignment to hell when I die. I don't want to have your views forced on me so that you will be more comfortable. Thanks, ABC.
And now, a special report.
I think I am ready to take the next step.
I am going to volunteer for the local democratic party. It is time for people to stop partnering up with a party because they share the same religious beliefs. The republicans are screwing you the same way that they screw everyone without money while they are in office. Its time for some progressive thought.
No more referring to Democrats as Liberals. We are from henceforth to be referred to as Progressives.
What exactly are conservatives conserving? Time to shuffle the deck.
Until the next we meet.