It has been a while since I wrote on here. Veterans Day was on the 11th and the entire country didn’t notice. The elections are over and the Dems took over.
It’s done. Now, for the complicated part.
We, as a country, need to stay on top of these fuckers to make sure that the moderates don’t start to slip on over to the dark side and pass tax cuts for the rich and screw the rest of us non-rich folks.
I promise to not let that fucking happen. Not on my watch.
Not supporting the troops. It’s a big thought. Anyone who says that we shouldn’t be in Iraq is clearly not supporting the troops. Anyone who says that if we don’t go to school that we’ll end up fighting a war in Iraq is obviously anti-troops. Anyone who voted for the Dems is unmistakably waiting for Allah to convert those troops.
Man, it’s amazing. They pulled it off. The Dems actually managed to get into both houses of Congress at a time when no one thought it was possible, and it looks like they did it with just a narrow space of support. No one is questioning the results, which leads me to two conclusions; the Repubs don’t care about midterms or the Dems are just a bunch of whiny bitches. I think it’s actually both. The Repubs don’t give a damn anymore. As long as they control the Big House, er, White House they don’t care.
On to the last part of this fragmented post, our failed republic.
I remember a time, (which was only about 10 years ago,) when the schools taught us about the branches of government and checks and balances. I remember a time when we were graduated from high school with a pretty decent understanding of how the system works, and at the very least, how to make the system work, should we ever need it. I remember a time when it was more important to teach us about the government than it was to teach us not to have sex, at all, for any reason. I think my parents’ generation can even remember this class they used to have called ‘Civics’ which taught all of the stuff needed to petition the government for anything, as well as how to register to vote, apply for a government job, and to take pride in dissent.
Where did this class go to? It’s been replaced with the anti-sex class and gay bashing class. Gone are the days of students learning about the Forefathers’ vision of the country, gone are the days of learning about legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government, and gone are the days of learning how to be active members of society rather than passive and accepting little sheep.
Go there. Read about civics. Learn something, and then use it.
Let me bottom line this for you: If you refuse to participate in the system, it will implode and there won’t be a system to ignore anymore. No more “I’m busy” excuses. Take the time to learn this about your government before it morphs from the borderline demagogue it is into a full out fascist-based system loosely translated from the Christian Bible, and not the good translation about love thy neighbor, either.
I will be around. Send email to me about how mad you are and I will be sure to reply. Not some candyass pre-made reply either, a heartfelt screw yourself will be sent out immediately.
Until the next, much love to you all and Happy Turkey Day. I hope to have another post ready by then, but just in case.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Memorial Day 2006
First, thank you to the troops who died in the service of our country. Your sacrifices will truly never be forgotten.
On to my reasoning for the "Memorial" day posting.
While everyone is enjoying their cook-outs and day off, I would like to draw a bit of attention to the issues surrounding why we celebrate "Memorial" day.
The idea is to remember those of us who choose to dedicate their lives to protecting freedom. Historically, there have only been two wars to protect American freedoms and both occurred on American soil about 100 years apart from one another. I am referring to the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the American Civil War (1861-1865.)
The American Revolution was fought by a group of rag wearing ex-patriot Englishmen against the King of England's armed forces. It lasted about seven years and resulted in the freedoms you and I enjoy today.
The American Civil War was fought by the northern part of the United States, (at this time, referred to as the Union,) and the southern part of the United States, (at this time, the Confederacy.) It lasted about four years and reunited a country after a long period of perceived inequality, (rich white southerners felt that rich white northerners didn't know anything about being rich or white in the south and being a rich white slave owner.)
Ultimately, the other wars that have been fought in this country have been largely cosmetic. We were trying to appeal to immigrants, (WWI and WWII,) we were trying to stop the drug trade (Operation Just Cause,) we were trying to expand our borders because we had a mandate from God, (Spanish-American War and Mexican-American War,) we believed that communism was wrong, (Cold War, Vietnam War, Korean War,) or, we were just bored and needed a way to take the heat off of our own corruption, (Operation Iraqi Freedom, Desert Storm, War on Terrorism, War on Drugs, War on Homelessness.)
I realize that not all of the last few were armed conflicts between our nation and another but, perhaps it is time to make the following point: our nation could be more than a war based economy. Millions upon millions of men and women have decided to go into the military over the years; some for family pride, some for patriotism, others because there were no other options available. Many times, the reason is because there isn't anything else available to the person and the Army or Marines make a good pitch about school. If there was a way to make school funding available to those students who are super-intelligent, yet lacking the funds to attend school, how many wars could we fight then? If not all high school seniors in this country had to decide on whether to make money or go to school after graduation, where would all of the jobs be? If some companies took the time to invest in children who posses amazing text book skills, rather than kids that have amazing factory skills, OUR COUNTRY MIGHT NOT BE WAR BASED.
I am not insinuating that we no longer need a military force. I am saying that we might want to rethink how we consider the men and women who have given their lives "In protecting Freedom." Or, more specifically, how "Freedom isn't really free."
If the people who had died since the end of the Civil War in 1865 saw what we were doing to the other countries over the last 141 years, many of them would wonder what they fought for. The south wanted to be its own country and keep slavery legal, because the Christian bible said it was OK. The North wanted to have the South back because that's where all of the raw materials for their industries came from and because they wanted to punish the rich white slave owners for mis-using the text in the Christian bible
We are trying to level the playing field for people in other countries. I do not question our country's desire to help those in need however, I do question our referencing to the military as "Protectors of Freedom." The military goes wherever its Commander in Chief tells them, does whatever is asked of them for however long it takes, and does it all with the knowledge that we will consider them heroes, whether they come back to us with on a commercial airliner or a military one. That is a truly amazing sacrifice.
What about sending them into a hornet's nest to "defend" a freedom that wasn't even wanted? What about sending them after one person to avenge 3,000 deaths, just to turn around and send them after another? What about invoking the name of the Christian god whilst destroying another Muslim country's people and mosques? What about killing innocent civilians? What about running our country into the ground while trying to prove a point about American military strength? What about...I could go on forever.
Our men and women, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, children and grandchildren, uncles and aunts, nephews and nieces should be revered, not reposed. They should be able to serve their country without the fear of never coming home again. They should be able to serve the entire republic, not just the rich white ones.
As I wrote the above diatribe, images floated into my mind of the countless times in our country's history when a mother has lain her son or daughter to rest while fighting a war that only a select few believe in. A distraught father, retired from many years of service to his country, laying a rose on top of a casket that should hold him, not his son. A wife, shattered by the appearance of an army chaplain at her job, forcing herself to believe that she needs to work more than grieve.
I know that we are going through a period of indifference in this country, I just don't understand why. I feel pain whenever someone has to be told that their loved one or friend won't ever say hello to them, walk on the beach with them, drive them to school, be at another wedding, drink a beer at a barbecue, celebrate another birthday, or just breathe ever again.
The things that we ask our men and women in the service to carry out in the name of our country need to be questioned by someone. We are a bunch of ignorant, self-centered fucks content on driving to the end of our mile long driveway in our SUV to check our mail, leaving all of the lights on in a home when we aren't there because it makes us "safe" from the bad black men living across town who are waiting for us to go on vacation and rob the place, sitting our children in front of the TV rather than in front of a bookshelf, drinking our lattes and eating our burgers while talking on our cell phones and driving back to work. We also drink cases of beer at family gatherings, talk about how church is the only place to go and socialize when we should be asking our collective God to watch over our family while they are off fighting a war that no one quite knows why we are fighting, sitting in our trailers watching wrestling, out back building a shed or repairing one of the 50 cars in the front yard, going to the lake to fish or swim or drink, telling the kids to shut up while driving that Chevy Suburban to Wal-Mart at 2:00am, or wishing that our kids would become rich while they are too busy eating fast food and lapping up the bullshit that is fed to them everyday by their parents who think they can actually do something that no one in their family has ever done before.
The military does what it is told to do and never speaks a word otherwise.
Who does that leave to speak up for them?
Thank you veterans and current servicemen and servicewoman for your undaunted and amazing resilience to our imaginary crises as they have arisen over the last 141 years. Your service to our country, while not truly needed, is very much admired.
To the rest of us that believe that we are in serious shit now more than ever on the world stage: remember the words of one of the greatest civil rights leaders ever, Mahatma Gandhi, who said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
This is the only way to turn things around.
Happy day off, everyone.
Much Love to you all,
On to my reasoning for the "Memorial" day posting.
While everyone is enjoying their cook-outs and day off, I would like to draw a bit of attention to the issues surrounding why we celebrate "Memorial" day.
The idea is to remember those of us who choose to dedicate their lives to protecting freedom. Historically, there have only been two wars to protect American freedoms and both occurred on American soil about 100 years apart from one another. I am referring to the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the American Civil War (1861-1865.)
The American Revolution was fought by a group of rag wearing ex-patriot Englishmen against the King of England's armed forces. It lasted about seven years and resulted in the freedoms you and I enjoy today.
The American Civil War was fought by the northern part of the United States, (at this time, referred to as the Union,) and the southern part of the United States, (at this time, the Confederacy.) It lasted about four years and reunited a country after a long period of perceived inequality, (rich white southerners felt that rich white northerners didn't know anything about being rich or white in the south and being a rich white slave owner.)
Ultimately, the other wars that have been fought in this country have been largely cosmetic. We were trying to appeal to immigrants, (WWI and WWII,) we were trying to stop the drug trade (Operation Just Cause,) we were trying to expand our borders because we had a mandate from God, (Spanish-American War and Mexican-American War,) we believed that communism was wrong, (Cold War, Vietnam War, Korean War,) or, we were just bored and needed a way to take the heat off of our own corruption, (Operation Iraqi Freedom, Desert Storm, War on Terrorism, War on Drugs, War on Homelessness.)
I realize that not all of the last few were armed conflicts between our nation and another but, perhaps it is time to make the following point: our nation could be more than a war based economy. Millions upon millions of men and women have decided to go into the military over the years; some for family pride, some for patriotism, others because there were no other options available. Many times, the reason is because there isn't anything else available to the person and the Army or Marines make a good pitch about school. If there was a way to make school funding available to those students who are super-intelligent, yet lacking the funds to attend school, how many wars could we fight then? If not all high school seniors in this country had to decide on whether to make money or go to school after graduation, where would all of the jobs be? If some companies took the time to invest in children who posses amazing text book skills, rather than kids that have amazing factory skills, OUR COUNTRY MIGHT NOT BE WAR BASED.
I am not insinuating that we no longer need a military force. I am saying that we might want to rethink how we consider the men and women who have given their lives "In protecting Freedom." Or, more specifically, how "Freedom isn't really free."
If the people who had died since the end of the Civil War in 1865 saw what we were doing to the other countries over the last 141 years, many of them would wonder what they fought for. The south wanted to be its own country and keep slavery legal, because the Christian bible said it was OK. The North wanted to have the South back because that's where all of the raw materials for their industries came from and because they wanted to punish the rich white slave owners for mis-using the text in the Christian bible
We are trying to level the playing field for people in other countries. I do not question our country's desire to help those in need however, I do question our referencing to the military as "Protectors of Freedom." The military goes wherever its Commander in Chief tells them, does whatever is asked of them for however long it takes, and does it all with the knowledge that we will consider them heroes, whether they come back to us with on a commercial airliner or a military one. That is a truly amazing sacrifice.
What about sending them into a hornet's nest to "defend" a freedom that wasn't even wanted? What about sending them after one person to avenge 3,000 deaths, just to turn around and send them after another? What about invoking the name of the Christian god whilst destroying another Muslim country's people and mosques? What about killing innocent civilians? What about running our country into the ground while trying to prove a point about American military strength? What about...I could go on forever.
Our men and women, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, children and grandchildren, uncles and aunts, nephews and nieces should be revered, not reposed. They should be able to serve their country without the fear of never coming home again. They should be able to serve the entire republic, not just the rich white ones.
As I wrote the above diatribe, images floated into my mind of the countless times in our country's history when a mother has lain her son or daughter to rest while fighting a war that only a select few believe in. A distraught father, retired from many years of service to his country, laying a rose on top of a casket that should hold him, not his son. A wife, shattered by the appearance of an army chaplain at her job, forcing herself to believe that she needs to work more than grieve.
I know that we are going through a period of indifference in this country, I just don't understand why. I feel pain whenever someone has to be told that their loved one or friend won't ever say hello to them, walk on the beach with them, drive them to school, be at another wedding, drink a beer at a barbecue, celebrate another birthday, or just breathe ever again.
The things that we ask our men and women in the service to carry out in the name of our country need to be questioned by someone. We are a bunch of ignorant, self-centered fucks content on driving to the end of our mile long driveway in our SUV to check our mail, leaving all of the lights on in a home when we aren't there because it makes us "safe" from the bad black men living across town who are waiting for us to go on vacation and rob the place, sitting our children in front of the TV rather than in front of a bookshelf, drinking our lattes and eating our burgers while talking on our cell phones and driving back to work. We also drink cases of beer at family gatherings, talk about how church is the only place to go and socialize when we should be asking our collective God to watch over our family while they are off fighting a war that no one quite knows why we are fighting, sitting in our trailers watching wrestling, out back building a shed or repairing one of the 50 cars in the front yard, going to the lake to fish or swim or drink, telling the kids to shut up while driving that Chevy Suburban to Wal-Mart at 2:00am, or wishing that our kids would become rich while they are too busy eating fast food and lapping up the bullshit that is fed to them everyday by their parents who think they can actually do something that no one in their family has ever done before.
The military does what it is told to do and never speaks a word otherwise.
Who does that leave to speak up for them?
Thank you veterans and current servicemen and servicewoman for your undaunted and amazing resilience to our imaginary crises as they have arisen over the last 141 years. Your service to our country, while not truly needed, is very much admired.
To the rest of us that believe that we are in serious shit now more than ever on the world stage: remember the words of one of the greatest civil rights leaders ever, Mahatma Gandhi, who said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
This is the only way to turn things around.
Happy day off, everyone.
Much Love to you all,
Friday, May 26, 2006
Sailing, Sailing, Over the Bounding Main...
Two posts in one day will spoil you folks for sure.
I am moving. It is official.
Not really going all that far away, about a mile around the corner. Still, its the first move I have made since I came to Georgia, not including the six or so months I lived with my uncle but kept most of my shit in the house I moved to.
Big deal for me as well as I seem to have developed some sort of weight-related back pain. I guess its really my body's way of explaining how much of an asshole I have been to it lately. I also think that the pain is its only way of fighting back against my idea of living a sedentary lifestyle.
My aunt and father have both returned to their lairs for another round of conspiring to make me wonder which side of the family wants me to pull a Machiavelli and never come back. I had a good time as did they, (I know because that's what they said.) I just wish that we weren't all so far apart. It was also very nice to see my mom's friend, Lynn. She took care of my brother, sister and I when my mom and dad first separated. She also was my mom's inspiration to go back to school and my mom was hers. Weird how things work out, but they always work out they way they have to.
My roommate has deserted me. I re-read the last post and realized that I was dead on when I admitted to being jealous. I offered to buy her a parting-gift; sort of my way of saying thanks. She has provided me with so much entertainment and I really want to make sure that she knows that I don't hate her for deciding to move on with her life, I actually commend her for moving on. The hard part for her is realizing that she can do things without a man around and that she has the capacity to handle the little things better than she does now. She is a great person shrouded in layers upon layers of bitterness. I have asked her to see past the things that have happened to her and look to protect herself only when first meeting someone. Loosely translated, she shouldn't be so cold to strange women and as inviting to any male as she is now.
I do hope that she manages to keep me informed of what's going on but, I also realize that if you love something and let it go, if it comes back again, it hasn't truly learned anything.
As I head off to sleep, I will not have anymore dreams about my now ex-roommate turning into a transsexual while in a bar. I will also remember that I have a massive amount of shit to move and an entire house to make presentable. Woooooooooo.
Until the next I decide to become active,
Much Love,
and goodbye to the old house. :,( I will miss this place.
I am moving. It is official.
Not really going all that far away, about a mile around the corner. Still, its the first move I have made since I came to Georgia, not including the six or so months I lived with my uncle but kept most of my shit in the house I moved to.
Big deal for me as well as I seem to have developed some sort of weight-related back pain. I guess its really my body's way of explaining how much of an asshole I have been to it lately. I also think that the pain is its only way of fighting back against my idea of living a sedentary lifestyle.
My aunt and father have both returned to their lairs for another round of conspiring to make me wonder which side of the family wants me to pull a Machiavelli and never come back. I had a good time as did they, (I know because that's what they said.) I just wish that we weren't all so far apart. It was also very nice to see my mom's friend, Lynn. She took care of my brother, sister and I when my mom and dad first separated. She also was my mom's inspiration to go back to school and my mom was hers. Weird how things work out, but they always work out they way they have to.
My roommate has deserted me. I re-read the last post and realized that I was dead on when I admitted to being jealous. I offered to buy her a parting-gift; sort of my way of saying thanks. She has provided me with so much entertainment and I really want to make sure that she knows that I don't hate her for deciding to move on with her life, I actually commend her for moving on. The hard part for her is realizing that she can do things without a man around and that she has the capacity to handle the little things better than she does now. She is a great person shrouded in layers upon layers of bitterness. I have asked her to see past the things that have happened to her and look to protect herself only when first meeting someone. Loosely translated, she shouldn't be so cold to strange women and as inviting to any male as she is now.
I do hope that she manages to keep me informed of what's going on but, I also realize that if you love something and let it go, if it comes back again, it hasn't truly learned anything.
As I head off to sleep, I will not have anymore dreams about my now ex-roommate turning into a transsexual while in a bar. I will also remember that I have a massive amount of shit to move and an entire house to make presentable. Woooooooooo.
Until the next I decide to become active,
Much Love,
and goodbye to the old house. :,( I will miss this place.
Friday, May 19, 2006
I am Peter Griffin...
My aunt from my father's side and my father are in town for my sister's alleged graduation from high school. The only problem with that is this is the first time that they have spoken face to face in about 15-20 years. Wonderful families that we all have, innit?
I have my aunt and my dad here with me at my house. They have spent the last few hours speaking to one another, a welcome respite from the norm of the past few years. I am in the parlor with the television, watching with my roommate. We had our tiny discussion about her moving out in the next few weeks and she is happy with her choice. I can't say that I blame her; sadly, I am starting to become jealous. She will be going to live with her friend, I will be off to move in with family again. I begin to think that I am a victim of circumstance and then realize that karma plays out on all of us in ways we can't imagine.
My mom went to the hospital this morning. From what I can discern, she has been very upset /distressed lately and wasn't feeling too hot this morning. When she went to the hospital, they found out that she had a mental breakdown and immediately placed her onto anti-psychotics. My brother reported that she is drugged out of her mind. Amazingly enough, this was/is the day before my sister finally graduates. Stranger still...
While I am at work and on the phone with a customer, occasionally we will begin by speaking about going to school. They will ask if I am in school and I tell them yes. They ask if I am in for computers or business and I reply psychology. I hope that I have illuminated my choice in profession to you. There is another idea of mine and that would be to get into law school as well. One step at a time. One foot in front of the other.
Now, I feel a bit better. The vent is closing and I am feeling relieved. I might be able to see my girl someday soon. We have been off schedule lately and its not looking like we are going to get closer to being back on schedule anytime soon.
Much love.
I have my aunt and my dad here with me at my house. They have spent the last few hours speaking to one another, a welcome respite from the norm of the past few years. I am in the parlor with the television, watching with my roommate. We had our tiny discussion about her moving out in the next few weeks and she is happy with her choice. I can't say that I blame her; sadly, I am starting to become jealous. She will be going to live with her friend, I will be off to move in with family again. I begin to think that I am a victim of circumstance and then realize that karma plays out on all of us in ways we can't imagine.
My mom went to the hospital this morning. From what I can discern, she has been very upset /distressed lately and wasn't feeling too hot this morning. When she went to the hospital, they found out that she had a mental breakdown and immediately placed her onto anti-psychotics. My brother reported that she is drugged out of her mind. Amazingly enough, this was/is the day before my sister finally graduates. Stranger still...
While I am at work and on the phone with a customer, occasionally we will begin by speaking about going to school. They will ask if I am in school and I tell them yes. They ask if I am in for computers or business and I reply psychology. I hope that I have illuminated my choice in profession to you. There is another idea of mine and that would be to get into law school as well. One step at a time. One foot in front of the other.
Now, I feel a bit better. The vent is closing and I am feeling relieved. I might be able to see my girl someday soon. We have been off schedule lately and its not looking like we are going to get closer to being back on schedule anytime soon.
Much love.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Recovery Room
I borrowed the title from a bar that used to have its sign high on the building it was in. It just happened to be near a bridge that my family and I crossed quite frequently as a kid. It was always a place that I wanted to go, not knowing that it was actually an oxymoron.
My classes are over. I have opted out of the summer term due to a lack of funds. Not to mention it will give me some time to move into a new place and to finish that novel I have been working on.
Due to the fact that no one in the area wants to move in with me, I have to either move into another one of my uncle's houses down the street, (which will be a bit more in rent but something he'd be willing to deal with if we can't fill it up with renters,) or move out with the girl I stay with into a two bedroom apartment...
Yeah, so that's a no-brainer. She's nice and all, I just think it would be easier to keep my sanity. She is so desperate to stay in this house that she even proposed moving her "I-hate-his-irresponsible-drunk-ass," (and that's a shoot, not to mention her words) ex-boyfriend into the place. Pretty interesting how the world turns...
I plan to post a bit more over the next few weeks as I need to stop playing video games and start enriching my mind again. I will be reading through some of the works of the Marquis de Sade and some of the most popular religious texts in the world. I hope to be able to read through all of them in the weeks to come, as the schedule that I currently work affords me quite a bit of free time. No one is really awake when I am up until 5am. I know that I will make it through though. Don't feel bad, dear reader. It is when we are alone that we truly discover ourselves.
My girl is home from school for the summer. Its nice to know that we can spend all school year having twenty minutes conversations at night so that when she comes home we can spend all summer having four five minute conversations about how lame my day was before she falls asleep on me. I like our relationship. I just feel bad that I can't entertain her all of the time with magical stories. I tried to tell her a story the other night and we can't even make it through a phone call without an interruption or her nodding off. Damn this shift, if only for the fact that it fucks with my relationship.
I actually enjoy working at night. I keep waiting for the day when I wake up before noon feeling refreshed and well-rested; it just hasn't come around yet, I guess.
I am officially drawing away from the political comments for a while. I can't handle all of the information that has come out over the last few months. I have adopted a new motto, "It won't get fixed by bitching." If you really want to know what burns me, mail me.
I am towards the bottom of the deposit I planned on making and I haven't even mentioned the best news yet. How rude of me!
My mom has opted to take a job which would relocate her to about 3 hours south of where I am. This would place her on the beach but far away. I am happy for her and truly hope that her new job is as amazing as she hopes it will be.
My sister is allegedly graduating from high school. A year late and by the hairs on her chinny chin chin, but the better part is the gathering of persons that will be here. Almost like a mini-reunion of sorts; some of the people booked haven't been in a family angle in a while. I hope to get them over with the crowds...A tad slide into wrestling lingo...sorry.
I am relaxed, sad and curious. Relaxed because I have one last thing to do for one of my classes and I am finished. Sad because I wish I worked at a therapists office rather than CC. Curious to see what tomorrow will bring to my water dish.
I write in this blog to clear out baggage. It takes me some time to realize that I have a good place to dump on. The only thing that frightens me is the fact that if I were to pass away, this information would never be updated again and would be here forever. I guess that's not so much scary as it is interesting.
I must make a personal request. If you have about 10 minutes while you are surfing the web, would you mind checking out another blog for me? This is worth it if you are into reading what other people consider private.
PostSecret is one of the most interesting sites that I have viewed in a long time. Its almost as good as people watching, only you don't have to be wearing clothes and sitting in public to see the people and they are trying to clear their conscious' of their most intimate thoughts.
Wow. I made it pretty far down the items for deposit. I had a lot to talk about today. I am glad that this was here for my outlet.
Until the next that we meet...
Much Love to you all,
My classes are over. I have opted out of the summer term due to a lack of funds. Not to mention it will give me some time to move into a new place and to finish that novel I have been working on.
Due to the fact that no one in the area wants to move in with me, I have to either move into another one of my uncle's houses down the street, (which will be a bit more in rent but something he'd be willing to deal with if we can't fill it up with renters,) or move out with the girl I stay with into a two bedroom apartment...
Yeah, so that's a no-brainer. She's nice and all, I just think it would be easier to keep my sanity. She is so desperate to stay in this house that she even proposed moving her "I-hate-his-irresponsible-drunk-ass," (and that's a shoot, not to mention her words) ex-boyfriend into the place. Pretty interesting how the world turns...
I plan to post a bit more over the next few weeks as I need to stop playing video games and start enriching my mind again. I will be reading through some of the works of the Marquis de Sade and some of the most popular religious texts in the world. I hope to be able to read through all of them in the weeks to come, as the schedule that I currently work affords me quite a bit of free time. No one is really awake when I am up until 5am. I know that I will make it through though. Don't feel bad, dear reader. It is when we are alone that we truly discover ourselves.
My girl is home from school for the summer. Its nice to know that we can spend all school year having twenty minutes conversations at night so that when she comes home we can spend all summer having four five minute conversations about how lame my day was before she falls asleep on me. I like our relationship. I just feel bad that I can't entertain her all of the time with magical stories. I tried to tell her a story the other night and we can't even make it through a phone call without an interruption or her nodding off. Damn this shift, if only for the fact that it fucks with my relationship.
I actually enjoy working at night. I keep waiting for the day when I wake up before noon feeling refreshed and well-rested; it just hasn't come around yet, I guess.
I am officially drawing away from the political comments for a while. I can't handle all of the information that has come out over the last few months. I have adopted a new motto, "It won't get fixed by bitching." If you really want to know what burns me, mail me.
I am towards the bottom of the deposit I planned on making and I haven't even mentioned the best news yet. How rude of me!
My mom has opted to take a job which would relocate her to about 3 hours south of where I am. This would place her on the beach but far away. I am happy for her and truly hope that her new job is as amazing as she hopes it will be.
My sister is allegedly graduating from high school. A year late and by the hairs on her chinny chin chin, but the better part is the gathering of persons that will be here. Almost like a mini-reunion of sorts; some of the people booked haven't been in a family angle in a while. I hope to get them over with the crowds...A tad slide into wrestling lingo...sorry.
I am relaxed, sad and curious. Relaxed because I have one last thing to do for one of my classes and I am finished. Sad because I wish I worked at a therapists office rather than CC. Curious to see what tomorrow will bring to my water dish.
I write in this blog to clear out baggage. It takes me some time to realize that I have a good place to dump on. The only thing that frightens me is the fact that if I were to pass away, this information would never be updated again and would be here forever. I guess that's not so much scary as it is interesting.
I must make a personal request. If you have about 10 minutes while you are surfing the web, would you mind checking out another blog for me? This is worth it if you are into reading what other people consider private.
PostSecret is one of the most interesting sites that I have viewed in a long time. Its almost as good as people watching, only you don't have to be wearing clothes and sitting in public to see the people and they are trying to clear their conscious' of their most intimate thoughts.
Wow. I made it pretty far down the items for deposit. I had a lot to talk about today. I am glad that this was here for my outlet.
Until the next that we meet...
Much Love to you all,
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The real "Shock and Awe"
While looking around the web this morning, I was saddened to find this little tidbit to the left. Please note that over three-fourths of the respondants in my age group believe that English is the world's most spoken primary language.
English. The same language this is in. As though China's 1,306,313,812 CHINESE SPEAKERS don't fucking exist.
That's all I have for now.
Much love.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Frustration isn't the word.
I hate being a procrastinator. I have been waiting to write my speech for public speaking class all week. I waited to do 3 units of biology until the day before it was due.
I am flustered from work. I always feel that somehow, there is something I am missing. I really have a hard time understanding why 200 people show up to collect a paycheck and go home. Really.
Its over and another day is coming.
This was short and I will make no excuses. I am trying to keep it updated. I missed my one year anniversary of having this up. So, happy anniversary. Woo Hoo.
Much love,
I am flustered from work. I always feel that somehow, there is something I am missing. I really have a hard time understanding why 200 people show up to collect a paycheck and go home. Really.
Its over and another day is coming.
This was short and I will make no excuses. I am trying to keep it updated. I missed my one year anniversary of having this up. So, happy anniversary. Woo Hoo.
Much love,
Saturday, February 11, 2006
My most correct post to date
I want to make sure that I have this straight.
The Parents Television Council, a family advocacy group, wants to make sure that all parents have the ability to pick and choose what programming their children see by allowing parents to pick and choose the channels that they have available.
This has been available for years now. It is what the “common folk” refer to as a VCR.
This not-so-new technology has existed for some twenty years and allows parents to pick and choose what programming comes onto the television and at what time it starts and stops. Kids benefit from watching what their parents want them to watch and no longer have to worry about their children watching anything other than what they have purchased on video cassette. You can also avoid the high cost of digital cable/satellite service as you only let your kids watch whatever you have on tape.
Or, the parents that have kids that don’t want to get involved with what their kids are watching and are looking for a cheap and easy way out of being parents could just put them to work in sweatshops in South Asian countries. This way, we Americans could continue to get low cost goods at Wal-Mart and their kids will be learning valuable life lessons. Really, at age 5, what kid shouldn’t know about the importance of being to work on time?
I am continually amazed at some people’s stupidity.
I can completely empathize with parents trying to keep their kids from seeing the “garbage” that is on TV. If I had kids, I would be concerned too. Not concerned to the point where I would want to keep all “bad” channels out of my house, though. I am a big supporter of the freedom of speech. Our children have to know that anyone can say virtually anything in this country without the fear of imprisonment or punishment. Sometimes, this means that people will say things that Mommy and Daddy don’t particularly agree with or may make Mommy/Daddy angry. This is OK and an acceptable part of life. It is what keeps people discussing things and will eventually lead to some people understanding why their views may be hard to see by others, even if it is thought to be “wrong” or “offensive.”
No one wants to have their children told that they can’t do something or that they are the wrong color, or the wrong height or any other piece of information that might lead them to believe that they are somehow inferior to anyone else.
But, no one lives in a bubble.
Much love,
The Parents Television Council, a family advocacy group, wants to make sure that all parents have the ability to pick and choose what programming their children see by allowing parents to pick and choose the channels that they have available.
This has been available for years now. It is what the “common folk” refer to as a VCR.
This not-so-new technology has existed for some twenty years and allows parents to pick and choose what programming comes onto the television and at what time it starts and stops. Kids benefit from watching what their parents want them to watch and no longer have to worry about their children watching anything other than what they have purchased on video cassette. You can also avoid the high cost of digital cable/satellite service as you only let your kids watch whatever you have on tape.
Or, the parents that have kids that don’t want to get involved with what their kids are watching and are looking for a cheap and easy way out of being parents could just put them to work in sweatshops in South Asian countries. This way, we Americans could continue to get low cost goods at Wal-Mart and their kids will be learning valuable life lessons. Really, at age 5, what kid shouldn’t know about the importance of being to work on time?
I am continually amazed at some people’s stupidity.
I can completely empathize with parents trying to keep their kids from seeing the “garbage” that is on TV. If I had kids, I would be concerned too. Not concerned to the point where I would want to keep all “bad” channels out of my house, though. I am a big supporter of the freedom of speech. Our children have to know that anyone can say virtually anything in this country without the fear of imprisonment or punishment. Sometimes, this means that people will say things that Mommy and Daddy don’t particularly agree with or may make Mommy/Daddy angry. This is OK and an acceptable part of life. It is what keeps people discussing things and will eventually lead to some people understanding why their views may be hard to see by others, even if it is thought to be “wrong” or “offensive.”
No one wants to have their children told that they can’t do something or that they are the wrong color, or the wrong height or any other piece of information that might lead them to believe that they are somehow inferior to anyone else.
But, no one lives in a bubble.
Much love,
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
How do i get you alone...
Apolitical. At least I'm not feeling it now.
It has been 25 days since the beginning of 2006. WooHoo.
Ok, on to the meat and potatoes.
School marches on. I am actually supposed to be writing a paper. Thanks to Uncle Bob for getting me the link for the new Email Icon on your right. I have embedded a link to open your mail program and send me a message. Use it at your own risk. Also linked to the original website where it was gotten from. Let me know if it comes in handy for you too.
I started a new shift at my job. I now work Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1500-2200 and Tuesday from 0800 to 1700. Yay. I use military time because I want to. Not to mention no having to put AM or PM.
Next item on my list. Lemme see here.........Ah yes. Found it.
To the owner of a 1988 Oldsmobile Delta 88: You have not paid for this vehicle and the owners are here to tow it away. Thanks.
Also, Please watch the Boondocks on Cartoon Network. Sundays at 2300. Un-fucking-believable. I have not actually told anyone what to watch since Deadwood on HBO and Penn and Teller's BullShit on SHOtime came out. Huff is finally coming back as well, on SHO, check that out too. I am way WAY too into my job. This is amazing. Psychology, here I come...
I have been giving some thought to law recently. At this time, I believe that there are far too many useless people in the law profession and therefore, I will set my aspirations to be president on the back burner. At least until after I experiment with blow and get a few DUI's, then run a business followed by a whole country into the ground...Uh oh. I lied. Maybe I am a politician after all.
Moving forward...I am gone but not forgotten. Use my new Email Icon to send me feedback or feel free to leave a comment. I really push the Email part because I love when I get mail from actual people and not automated spambots. Fuckers.
Much love to you all,
It has been 25 days since the beginning of 2006. WooHoo.
Ok, on to the meat and potatoes.
School marches on. I am actually supposed to be writing a paper. Thanks to Uncle Bob for getting me the link for the new Email Icon on your right. I have embedded a link to open your mail program and send me a message. Use it at your own risk. Also linked to the original website where it was gotten from. Let me know if it comes in handy for you too.
I started a new shift at my job. I now work Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1500-2200 and Tuesday from 0800 to 1700. Yay. I use military time because I want to. Not to mention no having to put AM or PM.
Next item on my list. Lemme see here.........Ah yes. Found it.
To the owner of a 1988 Oldsmobile Delta 88: You have not paid for this vehicle and the owners are here to tow it away. Thanks.
Also, Please watch the Boondocks on Cartoon Network. Sundays at 2300. Un-fucking-believable. I have not actually told anyone what to watch since Deadwood on HBO and Penn and Teller's BullShit on SHOtime came out. Huff is finally coming back as well, on SHO, check that out too. I am way WAY too into my job. This is amazing. Psychology, here I come...
I have been giving some thought to law recently. At this time, I believe that there are far too many useless people in the law profession and therefore, I will set my aspirations to be president on the back burner. At least until after I experiment with blow and get a few DUI's, then run a business followed by a whole country into the ground...Uh oh. I lied. Maybe I am a politician after all.
Moving forward...I am gone but not forgotten. Use my new Email Icon to send me feedback or feel free to leave a comment. I really push the Email part because I love when I get mail from actual people and not automated spambots. Fuckers.
Much love to you all,
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