Saturday, May 13, 2006

Recovery Room

I borrowed the title from a bar that used to have its sign high on the building it was in. It just happened to be near a bridge that my family and I crossed quite frequently as a kid. It was always a place that I wanted to go, not knowing that it was actually an oxymoron.

My classes are over. I have opted out of the summer term due to a lack of funds. Not to mention it will give me some time to move into a new place and to finish that novel I have been working on.

Due to the fact that no one in the area wants to move in with me, I have to either move into another one of my uncle's houses down the street, (which will be a bit more in rent but something he'd be willing to deal with if we can't fill it up with renters,) or move out with the girl I stay with into a two bedroom apartment...

Yeah, so that's a no-brainer. She's nice and all, I just think it would be easier to keep my sanity. She is so desperate to stay in this house that she even proposed moving her "I-hate-his-irresponsible-drunk-ass," (and that's a shoot, not to mention her words) ex-boyfriend into the place. Pretty interesting how the world turns...

I plan to post a bit more over the next few weeks as I need to stop playing video games and start enriching my mind again. I will be reading through some of the works of the Marquis de Sade and some of the most popular religious texts in the world. I hope to be able to read through all of them in the weeks to come, as the schedule that I currently work affords me quite a bit of free time. No one is really awake when I am up until 5am. I know that I will make it through though. Don't feel bad, dear reader. It is when we are alone that we truly discover ourselves.

My girl is home from school for the summer. Its nice to know that we can spend all school year having twenty minutes conversations at night so that when she comes home we can spend all summer having four five minute conversations about how lame my day was before she falls asleep on me. I like our relationship. I just feel bad that I can't entertain her all of the time with magical stories. I tried to tell her a story the other night and we can't even make it through a phone call without an interruption or her nodding off. Damn this shift, if only for the fact that it fucks with my relationship.

I actually enjoy working at night. I keep waiting for the day when I wake up before noon feeling refreshed and well-rested; it just hasn't come around yet, I guess.

I am officially drawing away from the political comments for a while. I can't handle all of the information that has come out over the last few months. I have adopted a new motto, "It won't get fixed by bitching." If you really want to know what burns me, mail me.

I am towards the bottom of the deposit I planned on making and I haven't even mentioned the best news yet. How rude of me!

My mom has opted to take a job which would relocate her to about 3 hours south of where I am. This would place her on the beach but far away. I am happy for her and truly hope that her new job is as amazing as she hopes it will be.

My sister is allegedly graduating from high school. A year late and by the hairs on her chinny chin chin, but the better part is the gathering of persons that will be here. Almost like a mini-reunion of sorts; some of the people booked haven't been in a family angle in a while. I hope to get them over with the crowds...A tad slide into wrestling lingo...sorry.

I am relaxed, sad and curious. Relaxed because I have one last thing to do for one of my classes and I am finished. Sad because I wish I worked at a therapists office rather than CC. Curious to see what tomorrow will bring to my water dish.

I write in this blog to clear out baggage. It takes me some time to realize that I have a good place to dump on. The only thing that frightens me is the fact that if I were to pass away, this information would never be updated again and would be here forever. I guess that's not so much scary as it is interesting.

I must make a personal request. If you have about 10 minutes while you are surfing the web, would you mind checking out another blog for me? This is worth it if you are into reading what other people consider private.

PostSecret is one of the most interesting sites that I have viewed in a long time. Its almost as good as people watching, only you don't have to be wearing clothes and sitting in public to see the people and they are trying to clear their conscious' of their most intimate thoughts.

Wow. I made it pretty far down the items for deposit. I had a lot to talk about today. I am glad that this was here for my outlet.

Until the next that we meet...

Much Love to you all,


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