This I Promise You
Verse 5
Sorry about the absence over the weekend. Had to "get away from it all" and so I went to Atlanta. As I clear my throat, I am about to make an apology.
I would like to apologize to those people who may have heard me say that Atlanta sucks. It still does, don't get me wrong, but it provided me with an excellent escape from my absent-minded trappings where I am. The city is badly planned, all of the streets have names, not numbers. For a New York City boy, one of the things that makes navigation of a city so easy is the knowledge that the even numbered streets go in one direction and the odd numbered ones go the opposite.
It was nice. I had a chance to go somewhere for a day and be in an area filled with so many people, I almost felt back at home.
On to the actual page development here.
So, I am going over what happened over the weekend, church shootings, crazy men being captured in Atlanta after killing courtrooms full of people, Robert Blake going to jail, that may not be official yet; but come on, one week of deliberations and still no verdict? Those who have the capital...and then it dawns on me: This would have been an excellent week for something bad to happen in the war on terror. After much reading, it would appear that nothing did. No huge flare up of a battle in Iraq, no incriminating naked torture photos from a prison, no cars exploding, no journalists being shot.
This is boring for us Progressives here.
What else are we supposed to say when a week goes by so silently?
Oh well, we can't win them all.
Maybe this week, we can figure out a way to leave Iraq.
No wait. Still have the wetard in control. george wetard bush.
Maybe I have missed something, I will look through the reports again. There may be a minor incident that Al-Jazeera picked up on that I missed, or maybe the BBC has something.
You should turn off Fox, CNN and MSNBC and turn on the foreign news agencies. There seems to be more of a "freedom of the press" in other countries as of late.
Sorry this one is short. I'm sure I will have more ammunition after tomorrow's day is done.
I am finally relaxed. I need to take more breaks like this. I'll just need to figure out how to fit them into my budget. Note to seniors: With all due respect, you are not the only ones that have a tight budget.
Thanks for noticing me.
Until the next we meet again.
Much love.
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