Friday, March 18, 2005

Musical Chairs

Las Vegas Nights
Lyrics By Matt
I'm sorry again.
I didn't mean to neglect you all for so long.
It's just....
It's just that sometimes I have no energy. I take that back.
It's just that I have been doing other things and haven't had time for this because it wasn't a PRIORITY.
The truth shall set you free.
I am just about done with my training for the week.
I am absolutely amazed at the capacity of some of the people I am training. They have all been with my company for various lengths of time, the longest being six months. I have been with the company for approximately 2 years. I knew more than they did in this department within 6 months. Chalk it up to my necessity to try to do the best job I can while I have a job, but I wanted to know more.
They are so quick to blame other people for their pitfalls. "Well, I didn't have enough training" Newsflash: 90% of Americans feel they haven't had enough training. Why do you think that a good majority of them go to church? email me at if you need help with that last one. "I asked my supervisor to give me direction," Wait wait. Don't even finish that one. I know how it ends. I ask your supervisor and they claim ignorance to the fact that you asked for help because they are too busy trying to figure out how to see out of their new glass stomach, right? "I didn't know that I had to ask for help" ...........existential silence........
I have only 2 more people to update. I am asking them what they feel that they need to have "refreshed" and I use that term loosely because not all of them are in this for a refresher. Some of them are in it to learn things for the first time.
On to other parts.
I went to see our beloved non major league affiliated hockey team play tonight.
They lost 2-3 to some team from Florida. Oh well. Work paid for the tickets. It was better than sitting at home trying to clear out my DVR from all of the movies and things that I have recorded over the last few weeks.
I miss my home. I want to eat a pizza from Country pizza. I want to go to the beach and see so much seaweed that I decide not to go swimming for another year. I want to go to a carshow on the beach. I want to go and visit the gravesites of my relatives that were not able to make it until now. I want to have the chance of bumping into someone I have known since their mother and my mother went to high school together.
Maybe I'll go back.
Some day.
Forgive me again for not being all that too political in this post. I have also not been paying much attention to the news lately. I've heard that it's a good thing.
Until the next we meet.
Much love.

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