Friday, May 19, 2006

I am Peter Griffin...

My aunt from my father's side and my father are in town for my sister's alleged graduation from high school. The only problem with that is this is the first time that they have spoken face to face in about 15-20 years. Wonderful families that we all have, innit?

I have my aunt and my dad here with me at my house. They have spent the last few hours speaking to one another, a welcome respite from the norm of the past few years. I am in the parlor with the television, watching with my roommate. We had our tiny discussion about her moving out in the next few weeks and she is happy with her choice. I can't say that I blame her; sadly, I am starting to become jealous. She will be going to live with her friend, I will be off to move in with family again. I begin to think that I am a victim of circumstance and then realize that karma plays out on all of us in ways we can't imagine.

My mom went to the hospital this morning. From what I can discern, she has been very upset /distressed lately and wasn't feeling too hot this morning. When she went to the hospital, they found out that she had a mental breakdown and immediately placed her onto anti-psychotics. My brother reported that she is drugged out of her mind. Amazingly enough, this was/is the day before my sister finally graduates. Stranger still...

While I am at work and on the phone with a customer, occasionally we will begin by speaking about going to school. They will ask if I am in school and I tell them yes. They ask if I am in for computers or business and I reply psychology. I hope that I have illuminated my choice in profession to you. There is another idea of mine and that would be to get into law school as well. One step at a time. One foot in front of the other.

Now, I feel a bit better. The vent is closing and I am feeling relieved. I might be able to see my girl someday soon. We have been off schedule lately and its not looking like we are going to get closer to being back on schedule anytime soon.

Much love.

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