Thursday, March 10, 2005

So, You Wanna Be A Rock Superstar??

Those Who Throw Stones
Part 2
Perhaps what we need is a little commentary on everyone's favorite "alleged" child molester, Michael.
After his television appearance which showed him walking into the courthouse dressed up in pajamas, his accuser testified, just as they have been for what seems like months now, that he gave them alcohol while they were spending time with him at his luxurious Neverland Hotel, Ranch, Amusement Park, and soon to be, New Home of the Santa Barbara Black-and-Whiters professional sports team.
While this doesn't surprise me, I would like to address this properly.
First and foremost, there is a war going on here. I wonder if people just like to be occupied by washed up famous people's legal trouble, rather than trying to think about life changing and world changing events like war.
Secondly, I can honestly say that I believe he is going to have done to him whatever it is that is determined by the court. I don't need the E! re-enactments to show me what has happened during todays proceedings. It boils down to, he did it or didn't. If he did, "Will he serve?", etc. The court will solve this, and I believe that the answer is that old chestnut, "Those without the capitol, get the punishment."
It is time to open our eyes. We have been forcing our way around the globe for quite some time.
Did you ever stop to think, why do some of the countries in the world hate the US?

This is a good place to start. And, it's on the Christian Science Monitor's website.

You have to take what you can get.

There are times when I wonder if we, as a country, will be able to undo this mess. Maybe the rest of the world is perfectly content with staying right where they are. Sometimes the best change comes from within your own country, not when foreign occupiers who are viewed as oppressors come in to force their ideology and possibly theology onto you. Is it not possible that we could have just let these countries work things out on their own? I know that they were held back, like they were in third grade, for all of the time that they were under Saddam, but maybe, I feel like I'm reaching here, just maybe, WE NEED TO FIX OUR OWN SHIT BEFORE WE TELL OTHER PEOPLE HOW TO DO IT?

Maybe I'm wrong, but I really don't think so. Let's work on getting the homeless off the street, let's work on getting jobs back in this country, let's work on letting everyone have the rights that we are trying to force onto the other countries. And, maybe for a little while, can we get out of a war? That may just help stimulate the economy.

I've only been alive for coming up on 23 years, so I may not know much, but I do know how to treat other people.

Funny anecdote:

When I was younger, and my little brother would slap me, I used to slap him back and not ask any questions. Now that I have matured slightly, when he hits me now, I use my voice to say, "Why did you do that?" before I launch a barrage of fists into his face.

Think about what happened on September 11th, 2001, and the events that followed.

Now re-read the funny anecdote above.

Spooky, isn't it?

Just some thoughts.

Thanks, as always for reading along.

Much Love.

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